
Simplified j5 SBOL XML <-> GenBank conversion utility web interface
| The j5 and DeviceEditor home page currently is located at https://j5.jbei.org.
Here is the j5 and DeviceEditor home page:

The simplified web interface for j5 DNA design assembly automation functionality is described on the previous page. Here, we walk through the use of the simplified j5 SBOL XML <-> GenBank conversion utility web interface.
To continue on to the j5 SBOL XML <-> GenBank conversion utility web interface, click on the "SBOL XML <-> GenBank" conversion utility link.
From the j5 home page, after clicking on the link, here is the j5 SBOL XML <-> GenBank conversion utility interface you will first see:

Click on the "Convert GenBank to SBOL XML" and press the "Continue" button.
Here is the Convert GenBank to SBOL XML entry form you will see: 
Here is a sample GenBank input file you can use to continue on with this example (taken directly from the conversion of SBOL XML <-> GenBank sequence files example): Plasmid pBbS8c-RFP GenBank file (pBbS8c-RFP.gb):
Upload the above file, and then click the "Convert file" button.
Here is the Convert GenBank to SBOL XML results page you will see:
 To download the converted file, click the "Download" button. The name of the downloaded zip file will be of the form "j5_SBOLConverter_yearmonthdayhourminutesecond.zip" (e.g. "j5_SBOLConverter_20120618164238.zip" if the file was converted at 4:42PM (and 38 seconds) on June 18, 2012). The downloaded zip file contains the converted file along with the input file. Here is the zip file downloaded from the previous Convert GenBank to SBOL XML example (j5_SBOLConverter_20130506175239.zip):
Now, we can perform a new task with the j5 SBOL <-> GenBank conversion utility. Click the "New task" button, and we'll be back here:

The interface operates much in the same way for the other two options "Convert SBOL XML to GenBank (clean)" and "Convert SBOL XML to GenBank (preserve SBOL information)". As such, we won't explicitly go through them here. If you'd like, feel free to continue on as directed by the conversion of SBOL XML <-> GenBank sequence files example.
