Specific (video) demonstrations of how to use DeviceEditor
| Starting a DeviceEditor session
| Controlling DeviceEditor properties
| Saving, clearing and loading DeviceEditor designs
| Collection columns and assembly product type
| Adding and removing columns
| Changing column SBOL Visual icons
| Changing column assembly orientations
| Controlling column assembly directives for j5
| Changing the assembly product type (circular/linear)
| Mapping sequences to parts
| Changing a part's name or definition
| Changing the assembly strategy for a part
| Creating Eugene design specification rules
| Importing a set of Eugene design specification rules
| Cutting/copying/pasting parts (between DeviceEditor sessions, and from the part holding area)
| Controlling j5 assembly parameters
| Creating sequence files (from mapped parts) and j5 input files
| Auto-generate parts from a set of j5 input files
| Running a Mock, SLIC/Gibson/CPEC or Golden Gate DNA assembly design on the j5 server
| Running a combinatorial Mock, SLIC/Gibson/CPEC or Golden Gate DNA assembly design on the j5 server
| Running a condensation of multiple j5 assembly files on the j5 server
| Controlling downstream automation parameters
| Running a downstream automation design on the j5 server